Friday, September 20, 2013

C O M P A S S I O N - Big word - how often applied by all of us??

"Have compassion for all beings, rich and poor alike;
each has their suffering. Some suffer too much, others too little."
~ Buddha

People Should Know About This Awful Thing We Do, And Most Of Us Are Simply Unaware

People Should Know About This Awful Thing We Do, And Most Of Us Are Simply Unaware
While I was watching this, I really couldn't believe the wave of emotion that came over me. A film this simple, beautiful, and heartbreaking comes along so rarely — and to get its point across, we hardly need to hear a word.


Look at these children. Take a long look. Really see them...

We are all connected.

Persons not objects.
Animals are intelligent and emotionally evolved beings - they think and feel. They love, they suffer, they mourn.
Just like we do.
They are like us.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Please take a minute to read this adorable story!

Please take a minute to read this adorable story! --->

Our 14-year-old dog Abbey died last month. The day after she passed away my 4-year-old daughter Meredith was crying and talking about how much she missed Abbey. She asked if we co
uld write a letter to God so that when Abbey got to heaven, God would recognize her. I told her that I thought we could so, and she dictated these words:

Dear God,

Will you please take care of my dog? She died yesterday and is with you in heaven. I miss her very much. I am happy that you let me have her as my dog even though she got sick.
I hope you will play with her. She likes to swim and play with balls. I am sending a picture of her so when you see her you will know that she is my dog. I really miss her.

Love, Meredith

We put the letter in an envelope with a picture of Abbey and Meredith and addressed it to God/Heaven. We put our return address on it. Then Meredith pasted several stamps on the front of the envelope because she said it would take lots of stamps to get the letter all the way to heaven. That afternoon she dropped it into the letter box at the post office. A few days later, she asked if God had gotten the letter yet. I told her that I thought He had.

Yesterday, there was a package wrapped in gold paper on our front porch addressed, 'To Meredith' in an unfamiliar hand. Meredith opened it. Inside was a book by Mr. Rogers called, 'When a Pet Dies.' Taped to the inside front cover was the letter we had written to God in its opened envelope. On the opposite page was the picture of Abbey & Meredith and this note:

Dear Meredith,

Abbey arrived safely in heaven. Having the picture was a big help and I recognized her right away.

Abbey isn't sick anymore. Her spirit is here with me just like it stays in your heart. Abbey loved being your dog. Since we don't need our bodies in heaven, I don't have any pockets to keep your picture in so I am sending it back to you in this little book for you to keep and have something to remember Abbey by.

Thank you for the beautiful letter and thank your mother for helping you write it and sending it to me. What a wonderful mother you have. I picked her especially for you. I send my blessings every day and remember that I love you very much. By the way, I'm easy to find. I am wherever there is love.

Love, God

Don't say you're too busy to forward this. Just go ahead and do it

Please take a minute to read this adorable story!

Our 14-year-old dog Abbey died last month. The day after she passed away my 4-year-old daughter Meredith... was crying and talking about how much she missed Abbey. She asked if we co
uld write a letter to God so that when Abbey got to heaven, God would recognize her. I told her that I thought we could so, and she dictated these words:

Dear God,

Will you please take care of my dog? She died yesterday and is with you in heaven. I miss her very much. I am happy that you let me have her as my dog even though she got sick.
I hope you will play with her. She likes to swim and play with balls. I am sending a picture of her so when you see her you will know that she is my dog. I really miss her.

Love, Meredith

We put the letter in an envelope with a picture of Abbey and Meredith and addressed it to God/Heaven. We put our return address on it. Then Meredith pasted several stamps on the front of the envelope because she said it would take lots of stamps to get the letter all the way to heaven. That afternoon she dropped it into the letter box at the post office. A few days later, she asked if God had gotten the letter yet. I told her that I thought He had.

Yesterday, there was a package wrapped in gold paper on our front porch addressed, 'To Meredith' in an unfamiliar hand. Meredith opened it. Inside was a book by Mr. Rogers called, 'When a Pet Dies.' Taped to the inside front cover was the letter we had written to God in its opened envelope. On the opposite page was the picture of Abbey & Meredith and this note:

Dear Meredith,

Abbey arrived safely in heaven. Having the picture was a big help and I recognized her right away.

Abbey isn't sick anymore. Her spirit is here with me just like it stays in your heart. Abbey loved being your dog. Since we don't need our bodies in heaven, I don't have any pockets to keep your picture in so I am sending it back to you in this little book for you to keep and have something to remember Abbey by.

Thank you for the beautiful letter and thank your mother for helping you write it and sending it to me. What a wonderful mother you have. I picked her especially for you. I send my blessings every day and remember that I love you very much. By the way, I'm easy to find. I am wherever there is love.

Love, God

Special Treat

This stray dog enjoyed extra special treatment when a group of monkeys included him in their pampering session. The dog lay down to make himself more comfortable as the grey langur monkeys fussed around him and stroked his fur in Rajasthan, India.. The unique moment was captured by wildlife photographer Cyril Ruoso, from Lailly in France, who had been observing the monkeys..
This stray dog enjoyed extra special treatment when a group of monkeys included him in their pampering session. The dog lay down to make himself more comfortable as the grey langur monkeys fussed around him and stroked his fur in Rajasthan, India.. The unique moment was captured by wildlife photographer Cyril Ruoso, from Lailly in France, who had been observing the monkeys..

Dog Saves Girl in Poland!!!

Dog Saves Girl In Poland!

The three-year-old, named Julia, and her faithful furry black companion were out in the yard playing – just like a child should be able to do. Unfortunately the child, with a mind of her own, wandered out of her yard and into a nearby forest located in the southwestern Village of Pierzwin, Poland in freezing temperatures of 23 degrees Fahrenheit and negative five degrees Celsius.

Firefighters, in conjunction with a 200-person search team set about looking for Julia and her pet in order to save her from freezing to death. Eventually both were located in a marsh. The dog being the child’s savior; never leaving her side and protecting her by keeping her warm by laying on top of her and beside her. The dog is the little girl’s very best friend and is now her hero! He signaled to the searchers by barking their whereabouts as they got close to the pair.

Grzegorz Szymanski, one of the Polish firefighters on the case made this statement, "For the whole night the animal was with the girl, it never left her. Remember, it was 5 degrees below zero and the child was wet.”
Julia is going to recover from her frostbite and trauma thanks to her canine. Animals, especially dogs, have long been esteemed for their acts of heroism. Whether it is saving family members from weather conditions, fires or accidents, the love that many canines prove by placing themselves in face of harm is undeniable.

Source: Melissa Stoneburner/ Examiner/ March 5th

Animals are intelligent and emotionally evolved beings - they think and FEEL. They love, they suffer, they mourn; just like we do.  Please help us share the message by sharing the page:  http://www.facebook.com/pages/Animal-Cruelty-Exposed/363725540304160
Dog Saves Girl In Poland!

The three-year-old, named Julia, and her faithful furry black companion were out in the yard playing – just like a child should be ab...le to do. Unfortunately the child, with a mind of her own, wandered out of her yard and into a nearby forest located in the southwestern Village of Pierzwin, Poland in freezing temperatures of 23 degrees Fahrenheit and negative five degrees Celsius.

Firefighters, in conjunction with a 200-person search team set about looking for Julia and her pet in order to save her from freezing to death. Eventually both were located in a marsh. The dog being the child’s savior; never leaving her side and protecting her by keeping her warm by laying on top of her and beside her. The dog is the little girl’s very best friend and is now her hero! He signaled to the searchers by barking their whereabouts as they got close to the pair.

Grzegorz Szymanski, one of the Polish firefighters on the case made this statement, "For the whole night the animal was with the girl, it never left her. Remember, it was 5 degrees below zero and the child was wet.”

Julia is going to recover from her frostbite and trauma thanks to her canine. Animals, especially dogs, have long been esteemed for their acts of heroism. Whether it is saving family members from weather conditions, fires or accidents, the love that many canines prove by placing themselves in face of harm is undeniable.

Source: Melissa Stoneburner/ Examiner/ March 5th

Animals are intelligent and emotionally evolved beings - they think and FEEL. They love, they suffer, they mourn; just like we do. Please help us share the message by sharing the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Animal-Cruelty-Exposed/363725540304160

Coyotes suffering again!

Coyote suffers for days in a vicious leg-hold trap---emaciated and weak, he still managed to pull the stake out and drag the trap on his broken leg---the  pain unimaginable----he got caught on some brush and was found by a kindly couple who called "Critter Care" who rescued him.  What was his crime?--- trying to feed himself with some rodents?  That is not a crime --- the criminal is the trapper and WE HAVE TO MAKE TRAPPING ILLEGAL!   99% of animals caught in traps are NOT rescued.....
Coyote suffers for days in a vicious leg-hold trap---emaciated and weak, he still managed to pull the stake out and drag the trap on his broken leg---the pain ...unimaginable----he got caught on some brush and was found by a kindly couple who called "Critter Care" who rescued him. What was his crime?--- trying to feed himself with some rodents? That is not a crime --- the criminal is the trapper and WE HAVE TO MAKE TRAPPING ILLEGAL! 99% of animals caught in traps are NOT rescued.....

Horrible death to coyotes - City of Montreal and Via Rail

City of Montreal and Via Rail inflict horrible death to coyotes!!!

Alanna Devine, Director of Animal Advocacy for Montreal's SPCA, asks the City of Montreal and Via Rail to stop killing coyotes. A coalition of animal welfare groups expressed through a press release that the torturous trapping and slaying of coyotes in Montreal is an irresponsible and inhumane response to urban wildlife.

The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Defenders (APFA,furbearerdefenders.com) in conjunction with Coyote Watch Canada and Montreal’s SPCA are calling on the City of Montreal and Via Rail to immediately change their policies surrounding urban wildlife.
"We were shocked to hear that Via Rail, a proud Canadian company, showed such disrespect for urban wildlife," says Lesley Fox, Executive Director for APFA. "Any large municipality or corporation should have the common sense to know trapping to be a horrendous death of animals and does not solve any long term problems."

Reports on CBC Radio confirm that residents have been feeding the coyotes in the area, a known and scientifically proven cause for increases in conflict.
"The Southwest borough does have a by-law regarding the feeding of some wildlife," notes Alanna Devine, Director of Animal Advocacy for Montreal’s SPCA. "Feeding coyotes will attract them to an area and can result in problematic behavior. It is very disappointing to know that such lethal action was taken before any alternative was considered."
Ongoing education, investigation of conflict and enforcement of wildlife feeding by-laws can create a harmonious environment.
"Throughout North America, municipalities are becoming compassionate wildlife communities," says Lesley Sampson, co-founder of Coyote Watch Canada (coyotewatchcanada.ca). "From the City of Niagara Falls to Calabasas, California, co-existence plans have proven an effective means of creating harmonious communities. There is no reason for wildlife to die such gruesome deaths when these plans are readily available."
All three organizations offer public and municipal education on urban wildlife management that provides non-lethal, cost-efficient and successful co-existence plans.

Photo: Trapped coyote/Trappman.com

Together we can make a difference. BE THEIR VOICE! SPEAK OUT! Help us spread the message by sharing the page:  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Animal-Cruelty-Exposed/363725540304160
City of Montreal and Via Rail inflict horrible death to coyotes!!!

Alanna Devine, Director of Animal Advocacy for Montreal's SPCA, asks the City of Montreal an...d Via Rail to stop killing coyotes. A coalition of animal welfare groups expressed through a press release that the torturous trapping and slaying of coyotes in Montreal is an irresponsible and inhumane response to urban wildlife.

The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Defenders (APFA,furbearerdefenders.com) in conjunction with Coyote Watch Canada and Montreal’s SPCA are calling on the City of Montreal and Via Rail to immediately change their policies surrounding urban wildlife.

"We were shocked to hear that Via Rail, a proud Canadian company, showed such disrespect for urban wildlife," says Lesley Fox, Executive Director for APFA. "Any large municipality or corporation should have the common sense to know trapping to be a horrendous death of animals and does not solve any long term problems."

Reports on CBC Radio confirm that residents have been feeding the coyotes in the area, a known and scientifically proven cause for increases in conflict.

"The Southwest borough does have a by-law regarding the feeding of some wildlife," notes Alanna Devine, Director of Animal Advocacy for Montreal’s SPCA. "Feeding coyotes will attract them to an area and can result in problematic behavior. It is very disappointing to know that such lethal action was taken before any alternative was considered."

Ongoing education, investigation of conflict and enforcement of wildlife feeding by-laws can create a harmonious environment.

"Throughout North America, municipalities are becoming compassionate wildlife communities," says Lesley Sampson, co-founder of Coyote Watch Canada (coyotewatchcanada.ca). "From the City of Niagara Falls to Calabasas, California, co-existence plans have proven an effective means of creating harmonious communities. There is no reason for wildlife to die such gruesome deaths when these plans are readily available."

All three organizations offer public and municipal education on urban wildlife management that provides non-lethal, cost-efficient and successful co-existence plans.

Photo: Trapped coyote/Trappman.com

Together we can make a difference. BE THEIR VOICE! SPEAK OUT! Help us spread the message by sharing the page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Animal-Cruelty-Exposed/363725540304160

South Korea's dog Slaughterhouse

Urge the South Korean Government to Respect Global Animal Protection Laws and Oppose Legalization of the Dog Meat Trade!!! TAKE THE ACTION PLEASE!

The unprecedented, unnecessary cruelty towards animals can no longer be tolerated and it is the moral duty of the British Government to intervene on behalf of animal welfare organizations and the British Public to urge South Korea to respect and enforce not just its own but Global Animal Welfare Laws.This petition also formally opposes the move to legalize the dog and cat meat trade in South Korea on ethical, health and moral grounds.The issue concerns the UK because in 2018 we will attend the Seoul Winter Olympics and it is unconscionable for the Government to ignore the huge growing shock and outcryon social media sites. Close Moran Meat Market Dogs electrocuted,boiled alive in public-illegal Slaughter houses. Sanctions for International Breach of waste disposal- 2011 foot &mouth crisis, 8 million livestock were buried alive .2012 Declaration of Consciousness has confirmed animals are not just commodities.

PLEASE SIGN THE PETITON, once you sign, an email will be sent to you. You have to follow the link from your email to complete the process! Don't forget the email confirmation, thank you!!!
The petition is for UK residents only, however please, share.......


The truth is both a great and terrible thing- the wise submit when confronted by it! THE ANIMAL HOLOCAUST IS REAL! BE THEIR VOICE! SPEAK OUT! Help us spread the message by sharing the page:  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Animal-Cruelty-Exposed/363725540304160

Urge the South Korean Government to Respect Global Animal Protection Laws and Oppose Legalization of the Dog Meat Trade!!! TAKE THE ACTION PLEASE!

The unpreced...ented, unnecessary cruelty towards animals can no longer be tolerated and it is the moral duty of the British Government to intervene on behalf of animal welfare organizations and the British Public to urge South Korea to respect and enforce not just its own but Global Animal Welfare Laws.This petition also formally opposes the move to legalize the dog and cat meat trade in South Korea on ethical, health and moral grounds.The issue concerns the UK because in 2018 we will attend the Seoul Winter Olympics and it is unconscionable for the Government to ignore the huge growing shock and outcryon social media sites. Close Moran Meat Market Dogs electrocuted,boiled alive in public-illegal Slaughter houses. Sanctions for International Breach of waste disposal- 2011 foot &mouth crisis, 8 million livestock were buried alive .2012 Declaration of Consciousness has confirmed animals are not just commodities.

PLEASE SIGN THE PETITON, once you sign, an email will be sent to you. You have to follow the link from your email to complete the process! Don't forget the email confirmation, thank you!!!
The petition is for UK residents only, however please, share.......


The truth is both a great and terrible thing- the wise submit when confronted by it! THE ANIMAL HOLOCAUST IS REAL! BE THEIR VOICE! SPEAK OUT! Help us spread the message by sharing the page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Animal-Cruelty-Exposed/363725540304160

Dog teaches puppy to walk down stairs



I don't ask often, but please click SHARE and help me get the word out before the Easter Holiday!  This cause is near and dear to my heart!  Thanks SO much!
<3. Lorri

Bunnies are a 10 year commitment.  Please think carefully, adopt and spay & neuter!  XOX. (:3

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The First Kiss - Cute

Az első csók!
The first kiss!

Free Bobo


Mr. Captain

Captain was a two year old German Shepherd dog who was discovered on July 18, 2012 wrapped in a bloody sheet and left in a dumpster in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. When Captain was found he was emaciated, and had also been stabbed and brutally beaten with a heavy chain and baseball bat, being rendered quadriplegic and with brain hemorrhaging. Despite the best efforts of those caring for him, Captain passed away from cardiac arrest shortly after being rescued from the dumpster.

Brian Whitlock, Captain's owner, was charged with "wilfully causing unnecessary pain, suffering, or injury to an animal" contrary to Section 445.1(1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada.
Captain suffered horribly. Captain was beaten, stabbed, and starved, and was still living, when he was thrown into a dumpster.
What was done to Captain was an act of violent cruelty.
It is a well-documented fact that those who abuse animals may also become violent toward humans and thus pose a risk to society.
If BRIAN WHITLOCK IS FOUND GUILTY, we respectfully petition for the following:

That the honourable sentencing Judge in the Provincial Court of British Columbia apply the maximum penalty available under the law for this offence, which is 5 years in prison. That the court also, in accordance with Section 447.1(1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada, "make an order prohibiting the accused from owning, having the custody or control of or residing in the same premises as an animal or a bird" for the rest of his lifetime. Further, that the court, in accordance with Section 447.1(1)(b), "on its own motion, order that the accused pay to a person or an organization that has taken care of an animal or a bird as a result of the commission of the offence [in this case, the British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals] the reasonable costs that the person or organization incurred in respect of the animal or bird."

LINK: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/justice-for-captain/

* Positive Change Can Be Made *

The seal hunt on Hay Island has been cancelled this year because people refuse to buy seal pelts.
Read Story Here ===> http://bit.ly/Seal-Hunt-Cancelled-For-Hay-Island-In-Nova-Scotia

* S A Y N O T O G M O s *


A BIG THANK YOU CHIPA WOLFE FOR YOUR KIND HEART!!! A True Warrior in the Defense and Rescue of Animals!

Maddy... this is sweet but its really not cool. Bears belong in the wild but due to lack of resources in Georgia such as rehabilitation centers set up for hacking these little fella's back to the wild, they are either imprinted and left to... live in captivity, left to fend for themselves in an unforgiving manner or way to often, euthanized when they are otherwise healthy. Sometimes accidents happen, others such as this one was the after-product of a slug/hunter (poacher)

* W R O N G *


* They Are Like Us *

Look at these children. Take a long look. Really see them. Understand that the hell we are putting them through is going to be our own. We are all connected.

Persons not objects.

 Animals are intelligent and emotionally evolved beings - they think and feel. They love, they suffer, they mourn.
Just like we do.
They are like us. 


Win Animal Rights - This is one of the most heartbreaking pictures I have seen about animal testing. The hand of an unknown monkey at a testing facility, grasping the side of the trash can after they discarded her for dead.
Many people beli...eve Veganism is a diet. No, it is not. It is the belief that all sentient animals (including humans) have the right to live out their full lives without being enslaved, encarcerated, exploited and killed without regard for what is right or fair.

Please refrain from purchasing any products tested on animals.

_________________ GO VEGAN ________________

Your Puppy

Dear Mom and Dad,

I died today. You got tired of me and took me to the shelter. They were overcrowded and I drew an unlucky number. I am in a black plastic bag in a landfill now. Some other puppy will get the barely used leash you left. My... collar was dirty and too small, but the lady took it off before she sent me to the Rainbow Bridge .

Would I still be at home if I hadn't chewed your shoe? I didn't know what it was, but it was leather, and it was on the floor. I was just playing. You forgot to get puppy toys.

Would I still be at home if I had been housebroken? Rubbing my nose in what I did only made me ashamed that I had to go at all. There are books and obedience teachers that would have taught you how to teach me to go to the door.

Would I still be at home if I hadn't brought fleas into the house? Without anti-flea medicine, I couldn't get them off of me after you left me in the yard for days.

Would I still be at home if I hadn't barked? I was only saying, "I'm scared, I'm lonely, I'm here, I'm here! I want to be your best friend."

Would I still be at home if I had made you happy? Hitting me didn't make me learn how.

Would I still be at home if you had taken the time to care for me and to teach manners to me? You didn't pay attention to me after the first week or so, but I spent all my time waiting for you to love me.

I died today.
Love, Your Puppy
Akita World Fan Page

Cruel Traditions


A number of festivals involve animal cruelty, as do other regular traditional and cultural events all over the world. Animal cruelty is often defended because of being part of a tr...adition or culture.

On this page you will find information about some of these events, such as Farra Do Boi, a Brazilian festival where innocent oxen are terrified and tortured for many hours in the most painful ways people can think up, until they finally die in agony.

Other traditions include goats being thrown from a bell tower in Spain, and bulls being tortured to death by youths in South Africa. A number of other cruel festivals and traditions are also outlined.

The festival of Ukweshwama

The festival of Ukweshwama takes place in South Africa. It is a horrific event where youths torment and slaughter a terrified bull. They do this in a prolonged and agonizing way by ripping out the bull's tongue, shoving handfuls of dirt into his mouth so he can barely breathe, gouging out his eyes, and mutilating his genitals.

Sickeningly, his despicable behavior is allowed to continue, despite being against animal cruelty laws, because it is considered exempt from these laws due to the country's "cultural liberty" law.

The Brazilian Festival Farra Do Boi

During this Brazilian festival, the Farra Do Boi, people find fun in chasing terrified oxen, and on catching up with them, inflicting on them the worst, most agonizing torture they can think up. They prolong this over a number of hours so the oxen suffer the maximum agony and terror possible. The oxen are terrified and tortured in the cruelest of ways until they can take no more and succumb to death.

The oxen are chased towards the sea, so if any are not caught and tortured, they run in to the sea and are so terrified of returning to shore that they drown.

One theory is that the people are treating the oxen as if they were Satan, and inflict the punishment on the oxen that they feel Satan deserves. The name of this Brazilian festival, Farra Do Boi, can be loosely translated in to the sickening title "fun with Oxen".

Toro De La Vega - The Lancing Of The Bull

The Toro De La Vega is a cruel and bloody Spanish festival which takes place in the streets of Tordesillas.

A Bull is chased through the streets and over a bridge in the town by in excess of one hundred men and youths armed with sharp lances. Once over the bridge, the animal is attacked by the men thrusting their lances in to him. The Bull tries desperately to get away from this agonising torture, but the poor animal has lances repeatedly plunged in to him until his flesh is torn so badly, and he is bleeding so heavily, that he can eventually go no further.

On his collapse, his testicles are cut off, often while he is still alive. This is all watched by rowdy and cheering crowds. This spectacle in this Spanish festival is considered suitable entertainment for the whole famly, with many parents taking their children. This horrific tradition was illegal for years, but, incredibly, it was again legalised in 1999!

The Gadhimai Festival

The pictures below are from the Gadhimai Festival which takes place every year in Nepal. During the festival around 15000-20000 animals, including buffaloes, goats, chickens, pigeons and rabbits are slaughtered from the sake of religious animal sacrifice. Animals from young to old are all sacrificed while crowds watch and cheer.

This festival of mass animal slaughter has provoked anger among people who are against animal cruelty and protests against the festival have been held. Despite this, the festival continues every year, defended on the grounds of being a religious tradition.

The Pero Palo Festival In Villanueva de la Vera, Spain

Every year, a terrified donkey is violently forced through the streets of the village of Villanueva de la Vera in Spain, surrounded by drunk, rowdy, young men. The men think it is great fun to beat, kick, bite, shove, drag and crush the terrified donkey, as they all laugh as it is done. The animal regularly collapses from exhaustion and fright, only to be forced back to its feet by violence from the mob of drunken men. Guns are fired close to the panicked animal, alcohol is forced down it's throat and it is ridden by the heaviest men in the village.

The ordeal often leaves the donkey badly injured or crushed to death. After this mental and physical torture has finally ended, the shattered and traumatized donkey is forced in to a trailer and taken away to meet an unknown fate.

Animal charity campaigners, who work at the only donkey sanctuary in Spain, were refused when they asked if their vet could check the donkey over after the festival. A member of the charity, Jose Rodriguez Gil, said ""When I tried to film the donkey I was repeatedly threatened. They knew very well that what they were doing was cruel."

Another donkey sanctuary worker commented about how he had been punched, kicked and spat on by the crowd during his attempts to protect the Villanueva donkeys.

A spokesman for Villanueva de la Vera and the region's tourism department said: "We will not bow to pressure from animal welfare activists. This is our tradition and that will continue."

The Tradition In Spain Of Hanging Spanish Galgos

The Galgo is a Spanish Greyhound used by hunters in Spain. It is traditional in Spain at the end of the hunting season for the hunters to cause their dogs a very slow and torturous death, as they do not want to look after them after hunting season. Sadly, this tradition is still very much alive and 50,000 dogs can face these fates in Spain at the end of each hunting season.

Other common methods of the hunters killing their Galgos include throwing them down deep, disused wells that they have no hope of getting out of. There, they starve to death, alone and frightened. This is an unbelievably cruel and drawn out death.

Other hunters beat their dogs to death, shoot them or use any other method that does not cost them money.

Laws must be put in place to protect these defenseless creatures. There is NO hope for a civilized society without animal cruelty laws and the animals have no hope without everyone's help. Everyone in this sociopathic culture must be held accountable for their actions. If we don't start punishing these abusers, they will continue their barbaric treatment of animals.

Source: http://www.animal-rights-action.com/spanish-festivals.html

Other festivals:
Traditional funeral ceremony in kampung Kiku Letena, near Waikabubak, Sumba Island, Indonesia:

You can help end the cruelty by sharing the truth about animals’ abuse. If you agree that animals feel, suffer, love and the truth about their abuse should be exposed, please honor our work by “like” our page.



Hell on Earth- Thailand's Dog Meat Trade!!!

Throughout Asia the dog meat trade is flourishing. In particular the town of Tha Rae in Sakon Nakhorn, north east Thailand has become a center for the export of dogs through Laos and into Vietnam....

Dogs are collected in exchanged for a bucket in villages throughout Thailand and then brought to Ta Rae. In Ta Rae the dogs are separated into grades.

The best grade are shipped to Vietnam the rest are slaughtered and eaten locally. Thousands of dogs are slaughtered and shipped across the Mae Kong river every month.

The business is worth almost as much as the drug trade and this business is legal because Thailand has no animal protection laws for the welfare of domestic animals.

We are creating a Hell on Earth for man's best friend!!!


Laws must be put in place to protect these defenseless creatures. There is NO hope for a civilized society without animal cruelty laws and the animals have no hope without everyone's help. Everyone in this sociopathic culture must be held accountable for their actions. If we don't start punishing these abusers, they will continue their barbaric treatment of animals.

If only humans opened their eyes and realized the fact that all other animals have just as much right to live as we do......... The voiceless are not trash — they are living beings! All life is precious! All life is equal! BE THEIR VOICE! SPEAK OUT! Help us spread the message by sharing the page: 

Free Katya The Russian Bear.......

Katya is a 36-year-old bear who was a longtime star of the Big St. Petersburg State Circus on Fontanka where she entertained thousands riding a motorcycle around a ring. In 1980, she performed in the Olym...pics in Russia, at the opening ceremony for a soccer match; she was also in two movies in the 1980s. But as MSNBC reports, since she retired in 2009, she’s been kept in a rusty brown cage inside a bus, along with dozens of other retired circus animals. MSNBC describes the horrific conditions in which Katya and many other retired circus animals live.



Dozens of other retired circus animals also live in the smelly cages placed inside the bus and a minivan parked nearby...
We ask the Russian Government to PLEASE strengthen their animal protection laws, to please take a stand and DO THE RIGHT THING, its needed NOW, not later. Sign, share and get the word out:




Read more: http://www.care2.com/causes/katya-russias-olympic-bear-lives-in-a-rusty-cage.html

The truth is both a great and terrible thing- the wise submit when confronted by it! THE ANIMAL HOLOCAUST IS REAL! BE THEIR VOICE! SPEAK OUT! Help us spread the message by sharing the page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Animal-Cruelty-Exposed/363725540304160

Support National Animal Abuser Registries!!!

We need much tougher penalties for animal abusers. Mandatory jail time, photo posted on line, just like the sex offenders list, and never allowed to own, or work with animals again ever!

We N...EED to create a nationwide standard for the charges and punishment for cruelty to a companion animal. Many states provide felony charges for those that abuse companion animals, but punishment varies widely. Many people consider their pets part of their family, and as such our pets should have more protection from the evils of humanity. Humans should not be able to shoot or otherwise kill someone's pet and not be punished severely, yet this seems to happen all too often. You can't murder a human being without severe punishment; you shouldn't be able to murder a companion animal without punishment either!


People should take animal abuse seriously and don’t treat them like objects anymore. They are beings who deserve the same respect and consideration like humans. Police and judges should give those years in prison and not months for those who commit animal abuse!!!!!

Our communities have good reason to be concerned about the whereabouts of animal abusers. We hear story after heartbreaking story, about animal abusers repeating their violent crimes against helpless animals, and often go on to victimize people as well.
We have the right to want to keep our animals and families safe.



Mandatory registration for convicted animal abusers would aid dramatically in keeping offenders away from potential new victims by alerting law enforcement and the public to their whereabouts, and by allowing animal shelters to thoroughly screen potential adopters for criminal offenders. This in turn would reduce the enormous cost burdens our shelters face in caring for these animal victims.

Please support the action:



Working to pass new laws to make every animal’s dream of safety and peace come true! If you agree that animals feel, suffer, love and the truth about their abuse should be exposed, please honor our work by “like” our page.


The vet left at 2 am. The little filly, maybe a year old, was still down after 2 large bags of IV fluids. Judy Luther Henson took the other mare to her house, we just didn't have room. The Buckskin mare is 250 pounds, and needs about 300 mo...re pounds to be healthy. She needed help getting up today. Our filly here got up with help this morning , went down and we used the sling to get her up this afternoon. She weighs in at 102 pounds. I flipped her over myself this morning. Murray County animal control is prosecuting owners. The photo of the black filly doesn't show how horrible her condition is.


Please do share, It's the least you could do. This has to STOP!




You are partners in our mission, and over the years, we’ve shared so much good news with you. News like seeing Little Bit Bear living her life in the wild where she belongs. This time, our news is not good. On December 22, 2010, Appalachian... Bear Rescue admitted an underweight yearling from Louisiana, aptly named Kris Kringle Bear. He remained in our care until April 20, 2011, when he was healthy enough for Louisiana Wildlife Officers to come and return him to his native state. Once released back to the wild, Kris did as bears do: he wandered the land, in search of food and territory of his own. His travels took him to Mississippi, and it was there, in December of 2011, that Kris met his end, shot by a poacher. The poacher was apprehended, taken to court, and sentenced to three years of supervised probation. He was ordered to pay $10,000 to the state of Mississippi for “the value of the bear”, forfeited his 2005 GMC truck, and paid $500 for the value of the rifle he used to kill Kris. He was also ordered to pay $3,000 to Appalachian Bear Rescue, a sum familiar to our Facebook friends; it’s what it costs to care for a cub from the day he arrives at ABR, to the day he’s released. We’ve been silent on this incident as it made its way through the judicial system, but yesterday we received the check from the U.S District Court in Jackson, Mississippi. The money brings us no comfort. Kris was a young bear, whose life was cut short. It was our privilege to have helped him, and we won’t let his death go unnoticed.

 Please click on the link to read this story in more detail, and to watch a short video on Kris.